Walking barefoot on the earth or on early morning dewy grass gives you a full body make-over. This might sound far fetched but being ‘earthed’ has proven to have so many benefits that in the East they’ve developed ‘earthing plates’ for people who live in big apartment blocks and can’t easily get access to nature trails. Read on to see the extensive benefits of barefoot earth healing.

Cardiologists have found that when you’re connected to earth, your red blood cells become more charged. This means they vibrate at a higher level and they move further apart. The result is that your blood is thinned; it flows more easily and effectively lowers blood pressure. Certain cardiologists have been known to prescribe a 40-minute session of ‘earthing’ for people with heart disease

The earths’ electromagnetic field is designed to boost your wellbeing. Quite simply, we are bioelectrical beings living on an electrical planet and it makes sense that connecting to the earth is what we’re supposed to do.

Instinctively humans feel great when they’re barefoot in nature. Few peoplecan resist the effects of walking on beach sand, dipping your toes in sea water is always a delight and who can deny the pleasure of bare feet on soft, newly-mowed grass. The earth’s electromagnetic field is perfectly conducted through our bodies, because we’re mostly made up of water.

Studies have also shown that ‘earthing’ can improve symptoms of PMS, sleep apnoea, stress levels, rheumatoid arthritis and chronic pain. Additionally, some research has indicated that earthing can improve your body’s ability to regulate blood sugar levels and accelerate your immune system function.

And what about the DNA-damaging free radicals we are advised to avoid as much as possible? Well, the earth’s energy neutralises the damaging effects of free radicals – it’s an astounding antioxidant. Because free radical damage has been linked with aging, it seems one of the elixirs of longer (if not eternal) life has been right under our feet all this time.

I believe there is a subtle magnetism in nature, which, if we unconsciously yield to it, will direct us aright. – Henry David Thoreau


Today, many shoes are made with synthetic material – rubber and plastic particularly are insulators – which means there’s a deadening layer between you and the earth’s healing energy. Modern life, it seems, is designed to keep us off the grass. Walking is something everyone does, every day – so if you wear shoes that are conductive, you’ll be gaining benefit just as you go about your day (natural materials like leather are conductors – mingled with a little sweat, they work even better).

Concrete is considered a natural material and although it’s less conductive than ground or sand, it still allows you some connection to earth’s healing power. Salt water is the best conductor, so if you’re able to, spend as much time as possible walking on the beach, close to the shoreline.


The rise in chronic diseases in the world has been blamed on everything from bad lifestyle choices to toxins in the environment. But, with science advancing (well… returning to ancient beliefs, as it often does), one of the reasons people are afflicted with so many dire conditions could be as simple as disconnection from nature. Be mindful of earth’s healing energy and make it part of your daily routine. Add more earth connecting activities into your life.

  1. Picnic: it’s been proven time and again that spending time outdoors is good for your mental and physical health – make picnicking part of your weekly routine, and spend time sitting, lying and walking on the grass.
  1. Morning dew: because water is a great conductor, start your day by standing barefoot on dewy grass for 10-15 minutes each morning.
  1. Go hiking: your feet may take a little strain if you’re used to wearing shoes, but hiking barefoot also gives your feet a workout, with stones and sticks pressing on reflexology points – start a barefoot walking club. Walking barefoot in this type of setting also involves your mind (looking out for what’s on the path ahead), which is calming and stress-relieving. Also, your tendons and muscles work a little harder, which can have a positive effect on your core muscles too.
  1. Switch on: There are earthing mats available over the internet, so you can take advantage of earth’s energy while you sleep (this has been shown to improve insomnia)