Immortality in terms of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Immortality in terms of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Catherine Tuck gets to the bones of existence, of thought, the why’s and how’s of life and the interplay of heaven and earth in the context of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Huang-Di inquired, “I have heard of people in ancient times, spoken of as the Immortals, who...
A Taoist Perspective On Immortality

A Taoist Perspective On Immortality

As some of you know, I have spent a lot of my life exploring the deeper dimensions of consciousness. In my explorations I have experienced absolute peace and love of my Soul. In the last 10 years my main work centred around integrating and allowing unconditional love...
Go Barefoot: it Heals Your Body

Go Barefoot: it Heals Your Body

Walking barefoot on the earth or on early morning dewy grass gives you a full body make-over. This might sound far fetched but being ‘earthed’ has proven to have so many benefits that in the East they’ve developed ‘earthing plates’ for people who live in big apartment...
Family Constellations – A Therapeutic Approach

Family Constellations – A Therapeutic Approach

Family Constellations is a therapeutic approach designed to help reveal any hidden dynamics in a family or relationship. We can use this approach to see how we are bonded, integrated, separated or entangled. Most of us regard ourselves as individuals – separate and...
Aromatherapy for Anxiety

Aromatherapy for Anxiety

‘Stop, and smell the flowers’ deserves high credence when we fully realise how medicinally beneficial fragrance can be. Aromatherapy is an incredibly powerful way of modifying mood and emotion. Make up your own prescription of aromatherapy oils to soothe the nervous...
Moving from the Head to the Heart

Moving from the Head to the Heart

Use these four powerful insights to up-level the quality of your thoughts. Implement these practices to up-size your thoughts, rewrite any negative scripts and manifest continuous positive outcomes. Thoughts create matter. What you think about; becomes. Change your...