It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure. ~ Joseph Campbell

Adamas looks at some of the different reactions and experiences along the journey when taking Immortality. This article offers insight into what to expect and the mindset to adopt….

I am not talking here about the physical money for the product as truly this has no value, but the price you need to pay from yourself to have this process run through your body. 

There are so many reactions to the taking of immortality that it is really hard to anticipate exactly what is going to happen when you take it and as you continue to take it.

Reactions range from euphoria and a desire to dance, to dizziness, confusion and lethargy and where you will be in this range can only really be determined when you take it for the first time.

There are many factors at play which give rise to this range of sensations. Often it is connected with the level of emotional suppression in the body. This changes as we move through the process.

Sometimes there is removal of old pains, sometimes they get temporarily worse as the body works them out the cellular memory. One thing that seems to happen to everyone quite quickly is that the skin softens. This enables you to get a glimpse of what is happening at a deeper and more structural level.

The jellyfish itself is quite a simple organism; no home loans, girlfriends, existential crises that we know of, or fear for the future.

We on the other hand, have all of these and a whole lot more so our process back through time, both physically and mentally will be very different.

Part of the disorientation is due to the rewiring of our perception of time. Most who take it report a different relationship with time, more of an equal partner than as a servant.  Like it or not, if we are going to die and watch ourselves dying, we are under time’s iron heel and this grinds deeper every year we are on the planet. 

Now no one likes to be subservient and Immortality is the way through this but first we have to pay the immortal price. Given what it gives, having to endure some disorientation, old aches and pains, old emotions and memories, we are getting off incredibly lightly but we still have to pay for it with our time and attention.

No one’s journey back is going to be the same, quite simply because no one’s journey here was the same. Although we share a human form, whether we were born in a poor village in the jungles of the Amazon, or went to Harvard we are going to have a very different perspective and story to tell, as well as a vastly different value system.

There is no good or bad, better or worse, it would be like comparing a yellow to a purple, one is not better than the other, just different. This is good as diversity brings about more colour for us all. 

The immortal price is ultimately a personal journey. Some people turn on right away, while some labour through the swamps and finally reach the other side.

It is often these folk that become the most ardent believers in the gifts Immortality brings. 

Who you are… well, you will know when you take it and as you continue to take it. But do continue as life on the other side is quite simply fantastic and all you ever wanted for yourself.

Like any journey we can take breaks, or let it proceed at whatever speed we find most comfortable. The same road can be driven in 10 hours, or three days, with overnights wherever we choose to stop.

Some people choose to take a dose every three days, and ride the waves in. The majority are impatient to arrive at the destination. It is still worth taking a break for lunch, putting on some good music or swimming in a river along the way to refresh yourself. 

When you ask different people about this journey, in retrospect they will all tell a different tale. Some might have got headaches, some might have enjoyed the scenery more, and some might just zone into the music waiting for the next coffee shop. 

So, what this tells us is to expect the unexpected, be gentle with ourselves and take it at the speed we find most comfortable.  Important also is to ensure that we clear our calendar a bit to allow for afternoon naps or impromptu dancing in front of the fridge.

To take a holiday from your normal set of values and routines is useful as for the super active, to just chill, might be exactly what is required for a deeper healing to occur.  

It seems most pains that arise in the process disappear after a short time and we are called to reform our body in a healthier posture. To this end Immortality pushes us to get out there and just exercise. Not because we feel it is good for us but because it just feels good to do it. 

Of course, there is the opposite extreme where people just sit on the couch with their cat, stare into space, eat chips and watch Netflix and this is good too as possibly this is exactly the kind of relaxation and spoiling they require at this time.

Some of the confusion and disorientation a few people feel is just us realigning. We’re adjusting to the fact we are now travelling backwards to an earlier and more vibrant version of ourselves and this may engender some existential confusion.

All is good, and reality continues to manifest, abide completely in whatever arises without judgement and allow the perfection of your memories and existence to percolate through your personal experience till you truly arrive back in the present as a New Immortal.

Written by Adamas Incendia